There are some exciting works in the offing. It is my privilege to have acquired permission from the estate and publisher to create a new song cycle-melodrama for baritone and ’cello based on poems from Ted Hughes’s Crow, and I am writing this currently. On the way also are a set of songs from Jackie Morris and Robert Macfarlane’s recent The Lost Spells, set for mezzo soprano and string quartet, and a short set of songs for voice and flute.
Also niggling away are plans or drafts for:
• an elegy for organ;
• my second canticle collaboration with Euan Tait, The Song Bleeds;
• Exultation for string orchestra;
• a cantata, Solstice.
These aside, I can always divert happily into commissioned works, and if you would like to discuss any such possibilities, or would like to discuss any of my works completed or in progress, I would be delighted to hear from you. Please do get in touch.